So I posted my Dragoncon list the other day but didn’t really go over it. I thought I’d post it again and update each.

1. Lady Gaga
I’ve got the top basically made. I’ve got the organza cut to cover it, but haven’t put it on yet – I’m worried I might run out since I’m using the same organza on costume #3, and if I do I don’t want to end up with something different when I make the skirt. Anyway I got the skirt mocked up and a game plan for the structure. Wigs picked out but not order – got my base shoes last week. I’m NOT going with any kind of heel-less shoe… I’m sorry but I am not breaking my neck in the name of costume accuracy LOL I told Chase I could see him having to call my mom… “Sorry we had to take Kell to the emergency room in Atlanta, she fell down the Hyatt stairs in those Lady Gaga shoes…”
I’m not sure when I’m going to wear this – maybe friday night?
2. Black Widow
I’ve got my suit, of course. Wig picked out but haven’t ordered yet. I picked out what I want to use for the belt, going to buy them next week.
I’ll probably throw this on late at night one night.
3. Surprise
I’ve got quite a bit of this done. Base dress put together, just needs a few fit tweaks and sleeves attached. I’ve started making ruffles. Lots and lots of ruffles. That will be dyed gradient pink. I scored my wig for super cheap from cosworxs’ overstock sale last week. Now I’ve got to start thinking accessories.
This is a morning costume – when most people are still sleeping off their hangovers or in line for panels, so the crowds are thinner – a lot of fabric hitting the floor on this one and I don’t want to get trampled. Similar to Anne Boleyn last year. Most likely Sunday morning.
4. Donna Troy
Wig, check, gauntlets, check. After several swatch comparisons I’ve picked out the fabric I want to use, I just need to get it ordered. I’m hoping boots from one of my other costumes can double for these boots – I’ve picked out what I want to order. Haven’t given much thought to the belt yet.
I’ll probably wear this late at night one night.
5. Magik
Haven’t done much at all, except I found a wig. It’s the wig I used for Dazzler – I bought it way back in 2004 for I don’t even remember what… I THINK it might have been for a Zelda costume that never happened?? I don’t remember ever being that serious about doing a Zelda costume but who knows. Anyway, I found it when I was reorganizing and I’ll be using it for Magik.
I’ll be wearing this to the Marvel shoot for sure, maybe one other time.
6. Mara Jade/Arica
I found my wig – I need to curl it up a bit. I have my fabric for the skirt/sleeves, and dye – just haven’t dyed them yet. I think I’ve got the bodysuit material picked out – I got several swatches and most of them were too large of a netting. I found one I liked, need to make sure they still have it in stock. I’ve decided to use my Yuuko boots with it instead of doing the stockings.
I’ll wear this one evening – maybe sat evening or sun evening?
7. Surprise #2
I’ve got part of my fabric for the corset, I need the fabric for the outerlay and the dress. I found some fabric in my bin that’s perfect for the cloak and boot covers, and I got fabric to cut up for the appliques. I’ve done a few mockups of the corset and I think I’ve got it right. Wig picked out but haven’t bought it yet – I need to head to Goodwill and see if I can find good boots to mod.
Probably wear this Saturday or Sunday night.
8. Ms Marvel
I’ve decided I”m going to make new boots instead of trying to fix my old ones, so I’m going to be ordering some more fabric and using DJSpider’s tutorial on the SCF on how to attach thigh high boot covers to dance tights. I think it’s the best option for this! And I can pick out a pair of more comfortable heels to wear with it instead of these killer things I wore with it in Anaheim.
I’ll be wearing this in the parade I think.
9. Jane
Probably wear this one afternoon. Not making any changes to it… I’m going to try to wear it to one of the Disney shoots, if they don’t interfere with anything else.
10. Wonder Woman
I don’t think Chase was wanting me to wear this to dragoncon in its current condition… I think he was wanting to work on the chestpiece more… but I’m happy with it and would like to wear it if possible. It will need a little repair, I got a huge chip in the paint on the belt at MTAC.
I’d probably wear this late at night one night.
11. Starfire
Chase is fixing the chestpiece discolouration issue for me – I’m going to experiment and see about doing without it, though. I need to reattach my boots to my bodysuit and take the vines and leaves out of the wig from when I wore it with Poison Ivy.
Wearing this sunday for the DC shoot.
12. Black Canary
I haven’t decided if I’m taking this one or the classic one from last year – I’ll have to take stock of how the classic’s wig has held up. (it was not a very high quality wig). I guess I could just wear another blonde wig if I decide to wear it. I probably won’t decide between the two until the last minute.
Wearing this friday evening for the gotham girls shoot.
13. Snow White… not shown
I haven’t decided if I’m going to take Snow or not. I’d like to but not sure I could fit it in.
Or to rephrase, I KNOW I could fit it in… I wore 13 in 2007, I think it was, without a problem. I just don’t know if I want to try to fit it in, you know? LOL